Hi, I’m Megan. I write this website and a couple of others. We live on nine acres in eastern Washington where I homeschool four small kids, raise registered goats and pigs and work ever more toward sustainability.
This website came together because I know I’m not the only one staying awake at night, dreaming on a better future where our family works together and isn’t separated long hours, slaving away for someone else’s profits while the best of our years are wasted on commutes and “careers.”
I am guided by my faith in God and my love of family and country. It is for those I live and for those I strive to make this small farming thing work.
Income Ideas for Everyone
Not all of the ideas here are viable for everyone–most will probably not work for any one family/person–but among the 175 or so I’m working on adding as of this writing, there are bound to be ideas that you can incorporate right here and right now to start earning more income off of your small farm.
A Community of Fellow Yearners
Together, we can expand on those ideas, come up with new ones and share our experiences. If you’d like to find that sort of community, a community of likeminded small farmers who live and breathe the desire to opt out of the rat race and wake up every day living the dream, stick around here or better yet, join our Facebook group.
Regular, Fresh Content
Over the course of the near future, I’m committing several hours a day to writing, researching and sharing here as much information as I can find about all the small farm income ideas I know of. I hope to add searchable, sortable lists with such details as turnaround time, daily time investment, acreage and startup cost.
I’m glad to have you around and hope you’ll stay awhile. Always, always feel free to drop me a line, whether it’s to chat about an idea, ask a question or offer feedback. We’re all in this together!