Start an Art Business

An art business is a great way to create a supplemental income for your small farm. From traditional oil paintings to unique crafted sculptures, if you have artistic talent, you can find a market for that talent.

Here are a couple of resources to help you decide if an art business is right for you:

Make Toy Surprise Bath Bombs

“Having a Bath” by Michael Zeising is licensed under CC BY 2.0

My daughter got a toy surprise bath bomb for Christmas last year.  What a hit!  She enjoyed it so much we bought all the supplies to make our own and they’re incredibly easy. They are made up of very small toys–in her case, a color changing mermaid–inside a bath bomb. You drop the bath bomb in, which is fun in its own right, and after the bomb dissolves, there’s a fun toy to play with. All of her siblings were jealous – so was I.

Bath bombs can be made with a small number of inexpensive ingredients that are easy to purchase – many at your local grocery store.  I bought all of my supplies on Amazon for convenience.  Things like essential oils and large bath bomb molds aren’t easy to find locally and may not be for you either.   I’ll include a list below. Continue reading “Make Toy Surprise Bath Bombs”