Resell Nursery Seedlings

While putting together a tree seedling co-op for some friends the other day, it occurred to me that you can resell nursery seedlings for a pretty tidy profit if you have the timing and a little expendable cash.  With discounts of as much as 80-90% for large quantities of each species, you can turn small dollars into a pretty sweet return, getting free seedlings to boot.

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Raising Rabbits for Income

Rabbits are one of my favorite animals.  Peaceful, kind and entertaining, I love to sit out in the rabbit colony and just watch them.  It’s a great way to unwind and de-stress, but raising rabbits has an even more tangible benefit: good income potential.

Purebred breeding age rabbits of common breeds sell for $30-$60 each in my area.  Considering the fact that rabbits breed like, well, rabbits, you can see some pretty tidy income numbers with a relatively short turnaround time.

One major benefit to raising rabbits over other livestock is their adaptability to small spaces.  I don’t personally cage raise, but know many people who do and it ties everything up into a neat income producing package: rabbits as breeding stock and for meat, plus rabbit droppings as a surprisingly lucrative add-on income. Continue reading “Raising Rabbits for Income”

Become a Hired Scythe

There is something magical about the sound of a well honed scythe blade sliding across the grass.  That scything is infinitely better for both the environment and the land itself is an added bonus.  Many people are drawn to this, one of the skills of the “old ways,” but scything is a true skilled trade and not many people can do it themselves.  This is where you can come in, by offering your services as a hired scythe.

Lands managed by scything tend to improve in health over time.  Scything is also ideal for places where machinery can’t get, such as in wet areas or steep hills.  Because of its nearly nonexistent environmental impact, scything is appealing to the environmentally conscious among us, so you’ll probably find more demand for a hired scythe near urban areas.

Niche markets without a lot of supply are perfect money makers if you find the right area and marketing.  A hired scythe could draw demand from all around once word gets out.  You aren’t likely to have a lot of competition, either.
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Offer Pet Boarding Services

If you have a small farm, you likely have animals and understand how difficult it can be to get away overnight.  One of the main reasons is the lack of reliable care for animals.  If you have the space, especially with a kennel setup, consider offering pet boarding services to fill a very real need and bring in some extra cash.  The main requirement?  You’ve got to love animals to want to add other people’s to the mix.

First, Identify the Need

Is there actually a need for pet boarding in your area?  You can start by doing a Google search or asking in local Facebook groups.  In our area, the vet offers boarding and there are a couple of private boarding kennels; a pretty decent supply for our little town.  If your local vet is the only option, you may have a potential for your area because many people are reluctant to board healthy animals in a place for the sick. Continue reading “Offer Pet Boarding Services”

Raising Bottle Calves for Profit

There is something unforgettable about the feel of a rough calf tongue licking you on the hand in its quest for food. Raising bottle calves for profit is as rewarding as it is hard on the heart – bottle babies are impossible not to love.

Beef is second only to chicken in terms of demand in the United States. According to The North American Meat Institute, over 25 billion pounds of beef were produced by American companies in 2013.

With the increasing demand for grass fed beef, it’s getting easier than ever to turn calves into cash, especially if you have pasture land available.

These are the considerations and a cost/profit analysis for the viability of raising bottle calves for profit. Continue reading “Raising Bottle Calves for Profit”